Protect amulet B.E.2507 LP Thuad Nuan holy powder amulet by LP Dum (MON904)
55.99 $
Protect amulet B.E.2507 LP Thuad Nuan holy powder amulet by LP Dum
- Description
Protect amulet B.E.2507 LP Thuad Nuan holy powder amulet by LP Dum
Don’t miss good occasion if you are Thai amulet collector
100% guarantee all time
Name: B.E.2507 LP Thuad Nuan holy powder amulet
From: LP Dum, Wat Tuyong, Pattani province
Year of create: B.E.2507 (C.E.1964)
Material of amulet: this powerful amulet created from many holy powders and herbs.
Size of amulet: 2.3 cm x 3.5 cm
Ceremony: LP Dam strongly blessed LP Thuad Nuan amulet with many top monks such as LP Tim of Wat Changhai, LP Nong of Wat Saikhaow, LP Dang of Wat Srimahapho and other.
Power: some people believe LP Thuad Nuan amulet by LP Dum is the best of protection that can help worshiper from dangerous, weapons, accident and black magic.
Special: there is holy Yant in the back of amulet to increase powerful.
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