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Protect amulet B.E.2519 LP Phrom with Garuda Yant copper coin in beautiful condition (MON584)
70.99 $
Protect amulet B.E.2519 LP Phrom with Garuda Yant copper coin in beautiful condition
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Protect amulet B.E.2519 LP Phrom with Garuda Yant copper coin in beautiful condition
Don’t miss good occasion to worship powerful amulet
100% guarantee all time
Name: B.E.2519 LP Phrom with Garuda Yant copper coin in beautiful condition
From: LP Phrom, Wat Khanon Nuea, Ayutthaya province
Material of amulet: this powerful amulet created from copper mixed with holy Yant sheets from LP Phrom.
Size of amulet: 2.6 cm x 3 cm
Year of create: B.E.2519 (C.E.1976)
Ceremony: LP Phrom strongly blessed this powerful amulet by himself for 3 months in everyday with special magic.
Power: LP Phrom with Garuda Yant coin is the best of protection that can help worshiper from dangerous, black magic, ghost, weapon and problem.
Special: there is Garuda Yant with other holy Yant in the back of amulet to increase powerful.
Biography of LP Phrom:
LP Phrom was born 20 October B.E.2456 (C.E.1913) that LP Phrom studied the magic since he was children with his father that his father is one of magical expert. LP Phrom was ordained as Buddhist monk when he was 23 years old at Wat Khanon Nuea. After ordination, LP Phrom studied the magic and meditation with LP Fuk of Wat Thamlay Thai, LP Aum of Wat Ngiew Ngam, LP Khan of Wat Nok Krajarb and other. LP Phrom is very well known because his amulets have many experiences from worshiper.
LP Phrom passed away on 27 January B.E.2534 (C.E.1991) while he was 78 years old.
If you are interesting amulet please contact us at thaisamulets@gmail.com