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Protect amulet B.E.2555 LP Thuad copper coin with silver color by Wat Rongbon (MOM917)
30.99 $
Protect amulet B.E.2555 LP Thuad copper coin with silver color by Wat Rongbon
- Description
Protect amulet B.E.2555 LP Thuad copper coin with silver color by Wat Rongbon
Don’t miss good occasion to worship powerful amulet
100% guarantee all time
Name: B.E.2555 LP Thuad copper coin with silver color
From: Wat Rongbon, Nakhonsrithammarat province
Year of create: B.E.2555 (C.E.2012)
Material of amulet: this amulet created from copper.
Size of amulet: 2.8 cm x 4.0 cm
Build: 300 coins
Serial number: 50
Ceremony: there were top monks around Thailand joined to bless LP Thuad amulet for long time at Wat Rongbon.
Power: Thais believe LP Thuad amulet has many great powers such as protect worshiper from dangerous, accident, weapon and black magic. Moreover, LP Thuad amulet is the best of wealth and progression.
Special: there are holy Yant in the back to increase powerful. Moreover, there is temple code and serial number stamped in the back.
Biography of LP Thuad:
LP Thuad or Somdej Chao Phakho of Wat Changhai was born in King Maha Thammaraja’s period of Ayutthaya kingdom or B.E.2125 (C.E.1582). There was amazing story since LP Thuad’s baby such as his parents place LP Thuad slept on the bed and go to farm but when they came back find out the giant snake curled itself around the bed for protect the baby that the snake went out when his parents ask permission. Then his parents find out the holy ball on the chest of LP Thuad that they kept the glass at home and make them to be better. LP Thuad studied Thais and Khmer language with LP Juang at Wat Deeluang and when he was 15 years old ordained at Buddhist novice at Wat Seeyang and his father brought him to study with Phra Maha Thera Piyathatsri. After that LP Thuad decided to study meditation and magic at Ayutthaya province because Ayutthaya is capital of kingdom. However, while going to Ayutthaya province happened storm in the sea that made the ship have to land on the island and stay for 7 days that make the food and water is not enough. The crew believed disaster happened because LP Thuad and they want to left LP Thuad on the island alone but while in the boat, LP Thuad put his foot in the sea and asked the crew try to drink the sea water that it is amazing that the sea water changed to fresh water. Therefore, captain invited LP Thuad into the ship again and bring to Ayutthaya.
When LP Thuad arrived in Ayutthaya province, he went to study dharma and meditation at Wat Khae and Wat Lumphinawas. LP Thuad is very well known in Ayutthaya kingdom because LP Thuad helped Ayutthaya from Sri Langka kingdom that King Wattha Khamenee who is the king of Sri Langka want Ayutthaya to be colony by didn’t war. Therefore, he sent 7 highest priests to Ayutthaya and requested King Ekkathodsalot to solve dharma question within 7 days but there was not any monks can solve this question. Until in sixth day, King Ekkahthodsalot dreamed there was white elephant went to the palace. Therefore, when he waked up, he called priest to fortune the dream and they informed will have the great monk can solve this question that the monk is LP Thuad. LP Thuad can solve the question in the evening of seventh day. After this situation LP Thuad decided came back to his homeland that LP Thuad would like to develop Wat Phakho because this temple is very decadent. Therefore, the king send money and 500 craftsman to develop the temple. After, the temple developed LP Thuad went to Saiburi province that is now in Malaysia for teaching dharma to people. LP Thuad passed away while he was 100 years old in Saiburi province but his body took back to Wat Changhai in Pattani province.
If you are interesting amulet please contact us at thaisamulets@gmail.com