Rare amulet B.E.2506 Phra Khun Paen Sadej Krub holy powder amulet in big imprint by LP Supha (PKP161)
185.99 $
Rare amulet B.E.2506 Phra Khun Paen Sadej Krub holy powder amulet in big imprint by LP Supha
- Description
Rare amulet B.E.2506 Phra Khun Paen Sadej Krub holy powder amulet in big imprint by LP Supha
The best powerful Khun Paen amulet of Thailand
100% guarantee all time
Name: B.E.2506 Phra Khun Paen Sadej Krub holy powder amulet in big imprint
From: LP Supha, Wat Silisin Supharam, Phuket province
Material of amulet: LP Supha created this powerful amulet from many holy powders, herbs and soils.
Size of amulet: 2 cm x 3.5 cm
Year: B.E.2506 (C.E.1963)
Ceremony: LP Supha created and properly blessed Phra Khun Paen Sadej Krub amulet with many top monks and magical experts such as AJ Chum Chaikiri and other.
Power: some people believe Phra Khun Paen Sadej Krub amulet by LP Supha is the best of wealth, good luck, business, charming and kindness.
Special: this powerful Buddha amulet is in beautiful condition. Moreover, there is gold leaf painted on the front that is hard to find.
Biography of LP Supha:
LP Supha was born on 17 September B.E.2438 (C.E.1895) at Sakonnakhon province. LP Supha was ordained as Buddhist novice when he was 9 years old. After ordination, LP Supha went to study with LP Srithat of Wat Tha Utain, LP Sook of Wat Pak Khlong Makhamthaow, LP Mun of Wat Pa Suthawas and other. Moroever, LP Supha went to practice meditation and dharma around Thailand and abroad.
LP Supha passed away on 2 September B.E.2556 (C.E.2013) while he was 119 years old.
If you are interesting amulet, please contact us at thaisamulets@gmail.com