Rare Thai amulet B.E.2513 Phra Pidta powder amulet in tiger pattern by LP Pae – First Batch (PID181)
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Rare Thai amulet B.E.2513 Phra Pidta powder amulet in tiger pattern by LP Pae – First Batch
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Rare Thai amulet B.E.2513 Phra Pidta powder amulet in tiger pattern by LP Pae – First Batch
Do not miss if you are Thai amulet collector
100% guarantee all time
Name: B.E.2513 Phra Pidta powder amulet in tiger pattern
From: LP Pae, Wat Pikulthong, Singburi province
Year of create: B.E.2513 (C.E.1970)
Material of amulet: LP Pae created the amulet from Itthijay powder, Phathamang powder, Trinisinghey powder that LP Pae created by himself. Moreover, LP Pae mixed his hair inside the amulet too.
Size of amulet: 2.3 cm x 2.8 cm
Ceremony: LP Pae created and blessed Phra Pidta amulet following old method and consecrated until the amulet is full of power.
Power: Phra Pidta amulet by LP Pae is very famous in Thailand and abroad because some people believe can bring wealth, good luck, business and progression to worshiper. Moreover, this powerful Phra Pidta amulet is well known about harm protection.
Special: there are holy Yant in the back and Takrut inside the amulet to increase powerful. Moreover, this powerful Pidta amulet is in tiger pattern that is hard to find.
Biography of LP Pae:
LP Pae was born on 1 January B.E.2448 (C.E.1905) in Singburi province. LP Pae was ordained as Buddhist novice when he was 16 years old at Wat Pikulthong by LP Pun of Wat Pikulthong is preceptor. After ordination, LP Pae went to stay at Wat Chana Songkram in Bangkok for studying Dharma and Pali language. LP Pae was ordained as Buddhist monk when he was 20 years old at Wat Pikulthong. LP Pae studied the meditation and magic from LP Klaing of Wat Suthat, LP Sri of Wat Phra Prang and other. LP Pae created amulets many batches and many style that his amulets are well known in Thailand and abroad. LP Pae passed away on 10 February 1999 while he was 94 years old.
If you are interesting amulet please contact us at thaisamulets@gmail.com